I’m so glad I invested in this mat. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my overall wellness since using it. It combines so many beneficial therapies, and the amethyst crystals really seem to enhance the effects. Very happy with this purchase!
I’ve added this mat to my daily wellness routine, and I can honestly say it’s made a huge difference. The combination of therapies helps with stress, muscle tension, and overall well-being. I’m very happy with my purchase.
I’ve been using this mat for a few weeks, and it’s made a huge difference in my sleep. The warmth and therapy relax my body, and I fall asleep faster. I wake up feeling more rested and rejuvenated.
This mat has been amazing for my lower back pain. The PEMF and far-infrared therapies work perfectly together, and I feel much better after using it. It’s also great to just relax and let the heat soothe me.
Ich habe mir die 7 Edelsteine Regenbogenmatte vor einem halben Jahr gekauft und bin total begeistert! Sie ist fast täglich in unserer Familie im Einsatz. Sie ist nicht nur sehr angenehm, wenn man fröstelnd von draußen kommt, seit ich sie regelmäßig benutze habe ich viel weniger Rückenschmerzen. Ich finde sie so toll, dass ich nun meiner Freundin auch so eine Matte zum Geburtstag geschenkt habe. Absolut empfehlenswert!
I love the design of the PHYMAT, and it works even better than it looks. The amethyst crystals really add a unique touch, and the mat is incredibly effective at providing relief from my chronic pain.
I love my mat. I have bad knees and I wrap the mat around them - feels great. My only complaint is that I never received the waterproof cover in the kit. When I emailed the company, they responded that I never got a mat. But they requested a review?
Thank you for sharing your experience! We're glad to hear that your mat is helping with your knees.
Regarding the waterproof cover, the mat you purchased is a fully flexible model, which does not include a cover sheet in the kit—only the tri-fold mats come with one. In the specifications, the list of included items does not mention a cover sheet.
We apologize for any misunderstanding and appreciate your feedback!
Although I love the way this feels, I might not have been using it long enough to notice a difference. :)
Thank you for your feedback! We're glad to hear you love the feel of the mat. Everyone’s experience can vary, and with a bit more time, you may start noticing even more benefits. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out – we're here to help!
Ich hatte starke Kniearthrose-Schmerzen und im rechten Hüftflügel, also im Iliosakralgelenk auch ständig Schmerzen (was man nicht direkt heilen kann). Durch die Anwendung Ihrer Herzmatten (ich habe eine kleine und die mittlere und die Körpermatte wird in den nächsten Tagen geliefert), konnte ich meine Knieschmerzen nach 14 Tagen ausschalten und ich kann wieder Gehen. Den Hüftschmerz konnte ich auch absetzen, weil Ihre Technik mit den warmen Heilsteinen hervorragend hilft und auch das Infrarotlicht. Je nach bedarf sollte man so eine Matte benutzen. Vielen Dank, dass es so eine Technik gibt. Gerd Lehninger, privater Medizinforscher
vielen Dank für Ihr wunderbares Feedback! Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass unsere Matte dazu beigetragen hat, Ihre Knie- und Hüftschmerzen zu lindern. Ihre Erfahrung ist wirklich inspirierend, und wir schätzen es sehr, dass Sie sie mit uns teilen.
Wir wünschen Ihnen weiterhin beste Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden!
After using this mat regularly, my muscle recovery time has shortened significantly. The amethyst crystals add a sense of peace and relaxation, and I feel more energized throughout the day.
I love the way this mat makes me feel. The combination of the four therapies is incredibly healing. It’s also very comfortable, and I feel a deep sense of relaxation. The amethyst crystals are a beautiful touch.
I use this mat after a stressful day, and it’s incredibly relaxing. The heat combined with the ion therapy makes my whole body feel rejuvenated. The mat's soft texture is also very comfortable to lie on.
great mat! I use for chakra balancing during Reiki session, and at night i lay on it to reset myself from the day. Amazing!
I work from home, so I’ve been using this mat while sitting at my desk. It’s perfect for easing the tension in my neck and shoulders. I also use it after a workout at home to relax my legs and back. It’s convenient and super effective!
I’ve tried various methods for managing stress and pain, but this mat is by far the best. It’s comfortable, easy to use, and the benefits are noticeable. The combination of therapies works well together, and I feel more balanced after every use.
I was skeptical at first, but after using the PHYMAT Far Infrared Chakra Mat for just one session, I felt a noticeable reduction in my back pain. The warmth from the 7 gemstones were soothing. I love that it helps with both physical and emotional healing. Definitely worth every penny!
Great quality, product, and service.
The mat warms the body, providing a feeling of wellness, calms muscle tissue and relieves cramping.
I love that this product helps my back pain. I wish the instructions were better and that I could get a response to my questions that I submitted several weeks ago. Product is great, customer service, not so good.
Hi Sheryl,
Thank you for your feedback! We’re so glad to hear the product is helping with your back pain.
We apologize for any confusion with the instructions and appreciate your input. We’ll work on improving them to address more questions. Additionally, we’ll follow up via email to provide detailed answers to your inquiries.
Thanks again for your valuable feedback!
I purchased this mat about a month ago, and I’m amazed by the difference it has made in my overall well-being. The combination of infrared therapy and chakra healing really works wonders. My posture has improved, and my back pain is almost gone.
I use the PHYMAT after intense workouts, and it’s helped reduce my muscle soreness. The infrared therapy combined with the PEMF helps soothe my muscles, and the large size fits perfectly on my massage table.
The quality of the PHYMAT is top-notch. I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks, and I feel like my overall health has improved. The combination of therapies works really well for me. I definitely recommend it.
I love my mat and use it everyday. It's long, durable with adjustable thermostat.
Great product. I feel the benefits daily.
Thank you.
I’m impressed with the quality of this mat. The PEMF and far-infrared technologies work wonders on my back pain, and I feel more relaxed after each session. The large size is perfect for my needs as well.